A Response to Holy Relics, Chapter 5-9
Chapters 5-9 – There seems to be some bad blood here!
These chapters here are dedicated to discrediting a retired pastor, author, and archaeologist, by the name of Jonathan Gray. I have personally known Jonathan and his wife for several years, have read many of their published books, and have even had the pleasure of traveling with the Grays on more than one occasion. I will also state that I have not read everything they have put in print, however, my conclusion of their attitude and spirit, and motives are probably quite different from these authors.
Because of Gray’s decades of experience and knowledge, and his dedication to detail, as in his book questions answered, the authors in order to strengthen their case, would need to create suspicion and doubts concerning Gray’s own research. They could not afford to take the risk of a credible source supporting most of Wyatt’s conclusions. This is clearly a tactic that you would expect from a political campaign, raise suspicion, discredit, the opponents at any and all cost, create innuendo, question everything no matter how trivial, tear at the very fabric of anything that seems to suggest relevance etc. Clearly the authors were in literary verse, placing Gray’s head on the chopping blocks and hoping for, well … .
I pray the Authors might consider an alternative course, that of, checking out the evidence first hand, doing their own research, and then recording their own conclusions, compared to taking someone else’s word for it. It’s easy to stand idly by and criticize; to stand on the sidelines, and protest that each play is not being run the way you think it should. The only way to really have a legitimate say is if you’re in the game, the authors are like an old couple with no children, trying to counsel young parents about raising theirs, they may present a few nice suggestions, but lack experience.