Genesis Revelation Seminar Update
A visitor from Portugal is baptized! April’s Genesis Revelation Seminar in Christiansburg, Virginia produced some very interesting results. The format for the seminars was rather unique: there were two daily meetings, one at 11 am and one at 7 pm, to accommodate varying schedules for attendees. While that meant extra drive time and presentations for the team, it gave us two opportunities to video the seminar, so if something went wrong with one meeting’s recording, we could use the other. There was a different crowd in the morning and evening meetings, very little overlap. And the marvelous part was that our attendees came day after day, all through the series. They learned if they couldn’t make it to the morning meeting for some reason, they could come for the evening one and not have to miss the message.
There was one very unusual note to the meetings: someone called to register for the seminar, and mentioned that he was flying in from Portugal and would need some help getting to the meetings when he arrived. Naturally that had everyone wondering what that was about. When our visitor arrived, we learned he was 22, his name was Alex, and he’d seen the notice about the meetings on our website and made arrangements to come to attend, and then visit his father who lived a few hours north near Richmond. We had a wonderful time getting to know him during the following days. and it was an awesome privilege a few days later to attend a river baptism for Alex, with his father and stepmother in attendance. It was a very exciting event for us in so many ways. The host church appreciated the meetings and asked us to come back and do a series again this fall.
We hope to have video of the meetings available in the next week or two.