Ron Wyatt Presents the Ark of the Covenant
Q&A 29/9/98 Ballarat, Australia Part 1
Q&A 29/9/98 Ballarat, Australia Part 1
This is a transcript of an audio interview Bill Fry did with Ron Wyatt a week or so before he passed away with cancer. Bill asked him about his experience with the ark of the covenant. Bill Fry: okay, the recorder’s on right now, so you can go ahead and just just basically tell me […]
Why did God allow the Ark of the Covenant to be taken from His people? Does the Ark still exist today, if so, where is it?
This may be an appropriate time to mention publicly that I and several other Christians have watched with our own eyes a video which Ron shot inside the cave before the furniture was re-arranged. The crack in the roof was clearly visible with the Blood still on it; the table was there in close-up, and […]
Ron answers questions about the Ark of the Covenant
Danny and Ronnie Wyatt tell about their experience with their father on the dig in Israel
The Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time. Based on the Research and Field Work of Ron Wyatt. Noah’s Ark Sodom & Gomorrah The Red Sea Crossing Site Mount Sinai The Ark of the Covenant.