Newsletter 11: Prophecy – April 1995
It was a study of prophecy in the Scriptures many, many years ago which led Ron Wyatt to his profound belief in the accuracy of the Bible.
It was a study of prophecy in the Scriptures many, many years ago which led Ron Wyatt to his profound belief in the accuracy of the Bible.
Sodom & GomorrahThe location of these cities, along with the other cities of the plain, has long been the subject of speculation and search. As most people who keep up with this type of thing know, there are several prevalent theories.
NOAH’S ARK – The Action Years Ron and Dave Fasold arrived in Turkey on March 20, 1985. Meeting them there was Samran Al Moteri, the Saudi Arabian prince who had come to visit Ron earlier in Madison, Tennessee, and Samran was pretty sick when they arrived. He had heard about Ron’s claim that Mt. […]
The Discovery of Noah’s Ark NOAH’S ARK–The Early Years In September. 1960, 27 year-old Ron Wyatt, along with thousands of other people, read the following article in Life Magazine about a strange boat-shaped formation in the mountains of Ararat: While routinely examining aerial photos of his country, a Turkish army captain suddenly gaped at the […]
Biblical Chronology We felt it was important to provide you with a copy of our Biblical chronology since there are so many different ideas as to Biblical dates. We have simply taken the information given in the Bible and pieced it together. We spent a great deal of time and research on this chronology and […]
It’s rather amazing how historians and archaeologists have managed to “explain away” evidences which validate the Biblical account. Myths and legends derived from actual events of Biblical times are found all over the world, such as the multitude of “flood”stories, but to the unbeliever, these only “prove” that the Bible was influenced by these myths. […]
MT SINAI/HOREB – IN ARABIAIn 1978, when Ron found the chariot parts in the Gulf of Aqaba just off the Egyptian shore, he knew that Mt. Sinai had to be on the opposite shore. Since the Biblical account tells how the people arrived at Mt. Sinai after they crossed the Red Sea, and since the […]
DINOSAURS!Everyone loves dinosaurs! Millions and millions of dollars are spent on dinosaur movies, toys, t-shirts, and in fact, anything about dinosaurs. But let’s take a closer look at “dinosaurs” as we know them today. Sure, the fossil bones are real, but the true facts about them have been buried- replaced by theories which are positively […]