Update Newsletter: November 16, 2004
In this update:
- Update on the Work in Turkey
- Matching Fund Donations
- How to Contact Anchor Stone
- Israel Tour
- Zedekiah’s Cave Dig
- Garden Tomb Support
- Holiday Orders
- ASI Information Page
- Product Information List
- Important Info About Our Email Updates
Update on the Work in Turkey
The work is moving forward quite well in Turkey. The museum/visitors center continues to be upgraded. This season the center averaged about 50 visitors per day as more local tour companies have placed our site on their itineraries. We also had a large number of visitors from Japan, Korea and Israel.
We were just recently contacted by the local Turkish government which holds a 3-day Arts & Culture festival each year in Dogubayazit, the city closest to the Noah’s Ark site. They have informed us that they will be making our site a feature of next years festival. This means that they will be encouraging attendees (usually between 10,000 to 30,000) to visit the site and will provide transportation to the site for attendees, invited guests and VIP’s from the Turkish government. In the past invited guests have come from as far away as Western Europe. The festival will also be covered by the Turkish and European media. We are excited about the potential of this event for getting the word out about the Noah’s Ark site to the rest of the world.
At the present time we are working very hard with several groups to put together our “Durupinar Project” (Noah’s Ark Site) for next year. We have 2 universities currently working with us to conduct the testing we have planned. I cannot give any more details at this point because we are still working out our budget and contracts. However, with the professional testing we have planned, we should be able to remove much of the critics doubts about this site.
We are working through elements of the Turkish government. There will be more details released once we have everything in place. Until then, anyone that would like to help us with finances for this project can do so through our excavation fund by contacting us.
Matching Fund Donations
One of our supporters, who chooses to remain anonymous, has recently provided Anchor Stone with a unique opportunity. He has provided us with a $75,000 matching fund for our work on the Noah’s Ark site. What this means is that for each dollar that supporters donate for this project, Anchor Stone will receive an equal donation from this fund up to the maximum of $75,000.
Archaeological work and travel can be very expensive and Anchor Stone is in constant need of funds to continue the work started by Ron Wyatt. We ask that each of you consider helping in this worthy cause as the Lord impresses you. No donation is too big or too small.
How to Contact Anchor Stone
Because of the sheer number of inquires and the continuing problem with email spam we have had to change the way we communicate with people interested in the Discoveries. We now have a special contact page located at the Contact us link that must be used to make contact with us. The email addresses that some of you have used in the past will no longer work. This is the best way to contact the Anchor Stone staff. By using this form, all messages are forwarded to the appropriate person.
Israel Tour
We will be having our normal Noah’s Ark tour next summer but we still have not set our plans for an Israel tour. The reason for this is because things have been so unstable in this region in the last 5 months. With the almost weekly changes taking place we have felt that we need to wait until the first of the year before we decide on the course we will take. While we do want to take people to the various sites that Ron Wyatt worked, we also want to do so in a safe and secure manner. Please bear with us as we work out these details.
Zedekiah’s Cave Dig
Although it did not receive as much fanfare as last year, Wyatt Archaeological Research (WAR) decided to again ignore both the counsel of their founder (Ron Wyatt) and Anchor Stone by conducted a “dig” in Zedekiah’s Cave in September 2004. It was not actually a dig as their permit was not approved to continue last years work. However, they were allowed to drill a small hole so that they could perform an “endoscopic exam”.
WAR has not yet released any information on the results but I am expecting that they will claim success even though they still have not achieved their goal. We will continue to monitor this situation and keep you up to date.
Garden Tomb Support
If you have been a follower of the Discoveries for any length of time, you know the importance of the Garden Tomb property in Jerusalem to the Ark of the Covenant discovery. Ron Wyatt believed (as do we at Anchor Stone) that this property contains not only the tomb where Jesus was buried and resurrected but also a number of other important archaeological artifacts associated with the crucifixion of Jesus.
For over 100 years the Garden Tomb Association (GTA) has been entrusted with the protection and maintenance of this property. I personally believe that God has ordained this situation…. that God has given the GTA a caretaker responsibility for this site and because of this, they are worthy of the respect that this mantle of responsibility warrants.
Over the last 5 years the GTA has been facing some tremendous problems because of the situation in Israel. At present they are in need of help so they can continue their ownership and protection of this very important property. For this reason Anchor Stone has decided to help raise funds to support the work they do. We are doing this in cooperation with the Garden Tomb Association.
I want to personally appeal to each supporter of the Discoveries to come to the aid of the Garden Tomb Association. This is a very important issue. All donations are tax deductible.
Holiday Gifts
We would like to remind everyone that Anchor Stone books and videos make wonderful holiday gifts for friends and family. Last year’s favorites were the “Exodus Revealed” DVD and the “Ark of the Covenant” book. We are expecting that our new video, “The Discoveries of Ron Wyatt” will be very popular this year. The last day we can receive orders and guarantee delivery by the holiday is December 12th (USA). If your order is for a holiday gift please include this information in the “Comments” section. To order you can order through our online store.
ASI Information Page
We have recently added a page to our web site where you can meet some of the people that make Anchor Stone work. We are so thankful to these dedicated people who make it possible for us to continue to bring information on the Discoveries to you.
Product Information List
Anchor Stone’s “product information list” has been a big success with over 900 people currently subscribed. This list is for those that would like to receive additional information on our books and videos as well as any upcoming special offers. On this list we send out information about once a quarter.
Important Info About Our Email Updates
Because of the severity of the SPAM problem on the internet many people have started using various types of software and filters to try to stop the avalanche of unsolicited email. In the process many people have found that these devices also screen out some email that they want to receive such as the Anchor Stone email update.
We would like to remind everyone that Anchor Stone International is a self-supporting tax-exempt organization. It is only by the sale of our books and videos and the donations of our supporters that we are able to continue this important work. Please help support the work of Anchor Stone.
We thank you for your continued prayers.
Please forward this update to all your friends and family.
Bill Fry
Anchor Stone International