The Search for the Red Sea Crossing, Part 1
What caused Tutankhamun’s mysterious premature death? What was his connection with the events of the Exodus?
Come and hear the fascinating new hypothesis that connects the dots and explains his death.
Ross Patterson has been involved in freelance Middle Eastern Research in Turkey, Egypt and Israel since 1999. He has personally dived over 120 times at the crossing site, using underwater metal detectors and depth-sounding equipment. Hear him present first-hand insights into these highly significant discoveries.
This seminar caters to believers and non-believers alike, everyone will feel welcome. Especially designed for busy people, you are invited to ‘come as you are’. Learn more about these subjects in a few nights than you may have in your entire life!
February 21, 2017 @ 2:53 pm
Where is the article about the sinai wilderness that has the picture of the Rock that Moses struck that was split into to pieces. I have seen it before on anchorstone, but I cannot find it now…
March 7, 2017 @ 8:48 am and are some recent video clips of the split boulder at Horeb. There are several newsletters that reference this. Notably
May 14, 2017 @ 11:50 pm
Wow, why would anyone want to go into the Christian ministry if they don’t believe the basis of Christianity, God and His Word?