May 2007 Update
In this issue:
- New Altar Stone at Naxuan
- Project – "Noah’s Ark Revealed"
- September tour
- Zedekiah’s Cave DVD
Not long into our tour God blessed with an exciting find. As our tour group was exploring the area above the Noah’s ark remains, thought to be that of Naxuan, (Noah’s first settlement), we came upon a rather large unusually square rock. It measured 11′ in Height, 12′ in width, 11" in length, and a circumference of 56′ at the base, as it expanded outward.
After close examination all present agreed that this could possibly be an Altar Stone. It is somewhat similar in size to the one in Arzep, but has even a greater degree of unusual features on the top side. There is a honed out area, ideal for securing a sacrifice, and channels in the rock connected to it for what appears to be drainage. Also, the visibility and acoustics of the area make it ideal for a central location of worship. I believe this was an altar at what became the central place of worship as the settlement expanded. We are looking forward to the time when further exploration in the area above the remains may substantiate this location as Noah’s first settlement.
For some time now we have believed that more definitive evidence needed to surface in regards to the discovery of Noah’s Ark. There are a number of web sites out there claiming that the Durupinar site is simply a natural geological formation, plus a few even claiming the Ark landed in Iran. Of course the mountain folks are still trying to keep the Mount Ararat industry alive as well. Maybe now is the time for God to set the record straight. For so many decades people have invested money and time trekking up a mountain that didn’t even exist when the Ark landed, hoping for fame, fortune, or recognition. It was interesting to learn that 22 organizations have put in requests for permission to do something in the region. It seems that God is now opening the way for a significant update and confirmation of the remains. We will keep you informed as to the particulars, as they are available. There has been a lot of progress in certain areas, and extra money needed for certain aspects of the work. If you would like to participate as a volunteer, or contribute to "Noah’s Ark Revealed," you can do it through the web site or contact us directly.
Our next trip over to Turkey and the Ark site will be Sept. 11-19 We hope the cost will remain at $2995.00 which includes everything except $20.00 for your visa, (picked up at the airport), souvenirs, and your free time in Istanbul, (one and one half days on the way back) The big factor is of course airfare. We usually leave from JFK. The international airfare, plus the Turkish airfare is part of the tour cost, also all food, lodging, tour guide, and transportation is included. You can register on-line and pay with credit card for the deposit or the entire balance, or you can send check or money order here. Anyone paying the total will get the locked in rate, regardless of any increases. We do limit the tour group to 28. (If you have trouble finding the form, simply e-mail us your name, passport #, address, and we will contact you). Hope to see you there!
Jerry Bowen, director
Anchor Stone International
The Stones are Crying Out!