Update Article – project RE-BOARD
On our last trip to Turkey we were able to facilitate a group from New Zealand. We took the time not only to point out some of the obvious features of the remains, but to share the story behind the site, the story of what God is doing with all the Discoveries.
This information was just what some in the group had come to seek, for they had been impressed years earlier to construct a working full-size model of the Ark. Their goal is to re-construct a full-scale model of the Noah’s Ark, then transport it from port to port for all the world to see and visit. While that is a monumental task, it’s one worthy of consideration. What better way to tell the story, then to have a model of the boat as a backdrop? The evangelistic potential is unparalleled, Yohan Huibers’ half scale model in the Netherlands is reaching thousands. To date 75,000 have visited the floating zoo. The key is the telling of the Gospel story.
In talking recently with Rudy & Steve, their plans are now on the fast track. They visited with Yohan a few weeks back and he has agreed to assist with the construction, while the team waits for the funds to come in,( they estimate needing to raise about $22 million), they are busy with the planning of all the particulars, interior design, promotion, scheduling, etc.
ASI has been asked to assist with the interior design and the outreach end of telling the story to visitors. This will be an ongoing project, with the goal of becoming self-funded. As you can imagine, the hardest part is getting the initial funding. They estimate about one year for the construction of the boat, and during that time all the details will be worked out and implemented.
You may want to play a role in this worldwide endeavor. We invite your participation through prayer, volunteer work when applicable, suggestions and (naturally) monetary donations. All monetary donations to Anchor Stone International are tax-deductable and can be made online at www.anchorstone.com.
What do you think of the name of the project? Not only are we constructing a model of the ship, where many boards will be applied, but we are anticipating many folks that enter, will see the light of truth, and accept the plan of salvation for their lives, and in effect re-board the Ark of Safety. Your suggestions for a project name are welcomed.
Rudy and Steve also believe in what we are achieving at the resting place of the real Ark, and desire to see the excavation process move forward. A small portion of your gifts will also be used for the continued efforts to excavate the remains of Noah’s Ark.
In our next update we will discuss some of the doors God has opened at the Durrupinar site, to further reveal the authenticity of that site, stay tuned, and God bless!
Jerry Bowen, Director
Anchor Stone International, Inc.
The Stones are Crying Out!