Ron Wyatt in Zedekiah’s Cave

Taken in 1997. Ron explains some of the history behind his excavation for the Ark of the Covenant and its hiding place in the cave system.
Taken in 1997. Ron explains some of the history behind his excavation for the Ark of the Covenant and its hiding place in the cave system.
Presentation at Royal Oak Seventh-day Adventist Church, Aukland, New Zealand
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is traditionally said to be the location of where Jesus was laid to rest. But is there any evidence for this? Is this a logical place for the tomb to be? Is there a better option?
Many treat the bible as fairy tales, but God has left behind some very compelling evidence for his miracles. This one in particular is important for us to take heed of, as if we don’t we may have the same fate.
The amount of evidence for this site is actually quite amazing, so much so that the Turkish government has built a visitors centre there. Yet it goes largely unknown to the public. Presentation at Royal Oak Seventh-day Adventist Church, Auckland New Zealand